My fun little blog detailing all things pop culture...well, the interesting bits. I'll be covering music, television, film, and other similar areas of interest. I'll try to post at least once a day. Look for about 50% information, 50% opinion...but this is NOT a gossip blog. I am not Perez Hilton!

Friday, November 14, 2008

What's new in theaters this week - 11/14/08

There aren't a lot of movies out this week, but there are definitely some good ones.

Opening in Wide release:
  • Quantum of Solace - Daniel Craig is back in action as Agent 007, out for revenge and determined to thwart a mysterious organization's sinister plan.  Of course I'm going to see this movie; it looks awesome and Craig makes a great James Bond.  The movie hasn't been getting the greatest reviews though, so I'm a little worried at this point.  Rated PG-13.
Opening in Limited release:
  • Slumdog Millionaire - A Mumbai street kid attempts to become a contestant on India's "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" to find the girl he loved and lost.  This is the latest film directed by Danny Boyle, who's also responsible for "28 Days Later," "Sunshine" and "Trainspotting."  This movie is getting some of the best reviews of the year, as well as strong word of mouth from those who have already seen it.  In short, it's looking like this film may follow in the footsteps of "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Juno" and find a large audience.  Personally, I can't wait to see it.  Rated R.
  • A Christmas Tale - Three siblings' attempt to reunite their estranged family for a long holiday weekend quickly devolves into feuding and drunkenness.  This has gotten good early ratings, and looks like it could be enjoyable.  Might see it on DVD someday.  Not rated; doesn't look to have anything too objectionable.
  • Fuel - Documentary examining biofuels, how America's addiction to oil is destroying the economy and how green energy can save us.  This was a huge hit at the Sundance Film Festival.  At first I didn't really think this looked like a need-to-see film; I mean, we already know all this stuff is true, right?  Then I watched the trailer and discovered that it actually revolves around one man's personal tragedy and how it set him on a path that led to what the film is about.  So now I am very interested in seeing this movie.  Not rated; looks to be free of objectionable material.