My fun little blog detailing all things pop culture...well, the interesting bits. I'll be covering music, television, film, and other similar areas of interest. I'll try to post at least once a day. Look for about 50% information, 50% opinion...but this is NOT a gossip blog. I am not Perez Hilton!

Monday, September 8, 2008

BREAKING NEWS on Batman 3 villains!

Hey everybody; I just read this and had to post it.

Michael Caine, aka the legendary actor who plays Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred, has stated that he has talked to the studio and they've told him the new villains that will appear in the next Batman film and the actors who will be playing them.
According to Caine, Johnny Depp has signed on as The Riddler, and Philip Seymour Hoffman will be stepping into the role of The Penguin.  While Johnny Depp has been rumored to be interested in playing The Riddler for a while now, the addition of The Penguin to the cast is pretty surprising; as I've reported before, director and co-writer Chris Nolan has said that he doesn't like The Penguin as a villain and would never use him in a film.  Maybe he's had a change of heart or something; I imagine seeing Hoffman take on the role could change anybody's mind.
Of course, this could all turn out to be either a joke by Caine (who is fond practical jokes) or misinformation.  But from what I've seen it appears to be legit, and whatever the truth turns out to be it'll definitely give Bat-fans something to discuss heatedly for quite a while...
What do guys think about these choices?  I'm all up for casting the Hoff, and while I was holding onto the rather small hope of seeing "Doctor Who" star David Tennant take on The Riddler, I'm pretty sure Depp would provide quite an interesting spin on the character.