My fun little blog detailing all things pop culture...well, the interesting bits. I'll be covering music, television, film, and other similar areas of interest. I'll try to post at least once a day. Look for about 50% information, 50% opinion...but this is NOT a gossip blog. I am not Perez Hilton!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Could Batman's next battle be against...Doctor Who???

Hey guys. I've got another interesting piece of news for ya tonight.

So now that the unbelievably massive success of "The Dark Knight" has been absorbed and reflected on, the new questions on everyone's mind are all about the next film in the franchise. Will Christopher Nolan return to direct? Will there even be any chance of it coming close to the success of "Dark Knight?" And, of course, who are the next villians that are going to arrive in Gotham City, and who will be playing them?

While I don't think there's any villian or actor that will be able to match Heath Ledger's Joker, one possible new addition to the series has got me intrigued. I recently came across an interview with David Tennant, the star of the british sci-fi series "Doctor Who," where he expressed a real interest in playing the Riddler in another installment. The Riddler was most notably played by Jim Carrey in "Batman Forever," but now that all the pre-"Begins" films seem to no longer count, I think Tennant would be a very interesting addition to the series. He's got the perfect balance between crazy and serious that defines the Riddler, and he's proven he can play evil (indeed, most American audiences would best recognize him as Voldemort's servant Barty Crouch Jr. in the film adaptation of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"). He would almost certainly bring some humor back into the series, but would it be too campy? There's also the fact that he's wholly British...but then again, so is about half the cast of these Batman films anyway (Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Heath Ledger [well, he's Australian, but close enough]).

Right now it's just an interest on Tennant's part...but I hope Chris Nolan and company take an interest as well.